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ODM Party Claims Bodyguard of Raila Odinga Abducted by Suspected Police Officers Ahead of Anti-Government Protests

According to the ODM party, Maurice Ogeta, the bodyguard of Raila Odinga, the leader of Azimio la Umoja, has reportedly been abducted by unidentified individuals suspected to be police officers. The party’s director of communications, Philip Etale, issued a statement on Wednesday, revealing that Ogeta was intercepted by the attackers while on his way to work from home in the morning. They signaled him to stop and then forced him into the trunk of his car.

Etale claimed that after driving for a short distance, the car experienced a malfunction, and the assailants compelled Ogeta to assist them in restarting it. Once they managed to restart the vehicle, they returned him to the trunk and swiftly drove off to an undisclosed location, as stated in the released statement.

Furthermore, Etale alleged that Babu Owino, the Member of Parliament for Embakasi East, was apprehended on Tuesday night shortly after his arrival in Nairobi from Mombasa. It was reported that Owino and other Nairobi County parliamentarians had attended a meeting with Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA) officials. Owino also made a post on his Facebook page asserting that he had been arrested.

Citizen Digital attempted to contact the MP for a response, but his phone was unreachable. These alleged incidents occurred amidst plans for anti-government protests scheduled to take place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.